Geographic Awareness Week Photo Gallery
Geographic Awareness
Geographic Awareness Week Photo Gallery
Geography Awareness Week 2012 - GeoQuiz Night

UCCS GeoClub member Kami McFall asks the crowd a geography question.

The crowd is anxious to get the geo-trivia started!

Geoclub member Kelli hands out prizes to a lucky winner.

Jing Jing quizzing the high school participants on their geography trivia.

Our youngest member of the Colorado Geographic Alliance.

These young participants worked out what the capital of Colorado was!

Some of the younger participants were able to answer questions that even the adults didn't know.

Kami quizzing on tough geotrivia.

Eager to answer the question!

More tough geography!

Thanks to Clyde's for having such a great food spread!

GeoClub president Vanessa enjoyed the food.

GeoQuiz night was based on a Jeopardy format.

Jing Jing asking more tough questions of the crowd.

Several participants came on stage to buzz in head-to-head.

GeoClub member Ben asking college-level questions.

Grand prize winner John Harner, GES Faculty (right).

Cole Harner correctly answered which disease was geographically mapped by John Snow.

GES Faculty Brandon Vogt brought the whole family down for GeoQuiz Night.

Thank you GeoClub for all of your hard work and support on this event!!

UCCS GeoClub.