AAG Center for Global Geography Education (Case Studies, Activities, Teacher's Guide) - The AAG Center for Global Geography Education (CGGE) is an innovative, online collection of geography course modules for undergraduate education. CGGE currently offers six modules: Global Economy, Migration, Population and Natural Resources, Global Climate Change, Water Resources, and National Identity.
Teaching with the News - The Choices Program: History and Current Issues for the Classroom - The Choices Program is non-profit organization based at Brown University. We develop curricula on current and historical international issues and offer professional development for educators. Choices materials incorporate the latest scholarship from Brown University and beyond to draw connections between historical events and contemporary international issues.
Facing the Future - Global Issues Curriculum - Facing the Future is an international leader whose mission is to create tools for educators that equip and motivate students to develop critical thinking skills, build global awareness, and engage in positive solutions for a sustainable future. We are a self-sustaining program of Western Washington University. In a world where the lives of our neighbors next door are inextricably linked to those of our neighbors abroad, students need to understand the linkages between local and global issues, and how they can personally help to build positive local and global communities. We empower teachers with the resources they need to ignite their students' interest in complex global issues while helping them achieve academically. Our approach is positive and solutions-oriented, and our business model is systemic and leveraged: Facing the Future programming reaches hundreds of thousands of students each year at a cost of less than $3 per student.
Introduction to Globalization - (MS PowerPoint format)

Geographic Inquiry into Global Issues (GIGI) - available for free download from the University of Northern Colorado - Geographic Inquiry into Global Issues was developed at the Center for Geography Education at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The National Science Foundation provided the funds, with A. David Hill as the Project Director. The modules were drafted by teachers and scholars and then tested in classrooms throughout the United States. In the original publication, teachers received a classroom set of Student Data Books and one binder that contained the Teacher's Guide and supporting materials. Professor Hill recently secured permission to distribute the modules free of charge to anyone who can use them for educational purposes. Staff members at the University of Northern Colorado scanned every module and map and created PDF files that were later compressed to reduce the file size. Special thanks go to Amanda Livingston who worked tirelessly to scan thousands of pages, Elizabeth Buller, and Kristen Kanoff for helping to make this possible
Global Detention Project - The Global Detention Project (GDP) is a nonprofit research centre based in Geneva, Switzerland, that investigates the use of immigration-related detention as a response to global migration.
Globalization, Rights, and Responsibilities (MS PowerPoint format)