

COVID-19 Resources can be found here, with general ideas for curriculum following.



GISetc - Mapping Resources for Learning at Home

National Geographic

Original Geographer


The American Meteorological Society Education - The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Education Program promotes the teaching of atmospheric, oceanographic, and hydrologic sciences through pre-college teacher training and instructional resource material development. It also promotes instructional innovation at the introductory college course level, hence the K-13 designation for the program. All programs promote activity directed towards greater human resource diversity in the sciences AMS represents.

Annenberg Learner

The Power of Place: Geography in the 21st Century - teaches the geographic skills and concepts that are necessary to understand the world. Geography educators and content experts from around the globe shed light on the physical, human, political, historical, economic, and cultural factors that affect people and natural environments. Maps, animation, and academic commentary bring into focus case studies from 50 sites in 36 countries. The series also has information on specifically which National Geography standards are targeted and taught by each video within the series.
Colorado's Geography
Colorado's Geography: Mapping Our Past - Mapping Our Past is a set of activities for elementary- and middle-grades students to explore Colorado's historical geography. The project includes standards-based geography content and geographic information science (GIS) mapping technology. Units cover Colorado's regions and environment and historical changes in its population, transportation, and economic resources.
co historic newspapers

The Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection (CHNC) currently includes more than 690,000 digitized pages, representing 199+ individual newspaper titles published in Colorado primarily from 1859 to 1923. Due to copyright restrictions, the CHNC does not generally include newspapers published after 1923, but the CHNC can digitize through 1963 if publisher permission can be secured.


Curriki - What happens when classroom teachers from every country in the world take part in a global community of sharing curriculum and best practices? Teachers are empowered to create extraordinary learning experiences for their students. Barriers to equal access to education begin to lift-geography and politics become immaterial. And the economy benefits from a highly educated population. That's why we founded Curriki, a nonprofit K-12 global community for teachers, students, and parents to create, share, and find free learning resources that enable true personalized learning.

Discovery Education

Discovery Education - Discovery Education offers a broad range of free classroom resources that complement and extend learning beyond the bell. Foster deeper engagement and opportunities for students to take charge of their own learning with high quality, engaging, relevant tools designed for today's busy teachers and parents. Explore our programs and contestspuzzleslesson plans, videos and more.

eNet learning
eNetLearning is a project of the Colorado BOCES Association and Foundation in partnership with the Centennial BOCES which serves as the fiscal agent for eNetLearning (formally eNetColorado). eNetLearning's Missionis to reinforce our organizational commitment to providing high-quality content, professional development, and resources that support educators and student learning.
Geography and Literature

Geography and Literature, Workshop Presentation September 12, 2009

Kidlink logo
Kidlink - The purpose of the Association is "to promote a global dialogue among the youth of the world. The Association emphasizes electronic telecommunications, but also supports communications in other forms and media. The Association works to achieve its objectives through several educational projects belonging to the "The Kidlink Project". The projects are created and developed through an international collaboration of volunteers and are offered to schools, organizations and youth around the world for free."
Movies and Scientific Instruction image

Movies and Scientific Instruction, National Science Teacher's Association - The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's current membership of 55,000 includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in and committed to science education. Read a fact sheet about NSTA here.


Mathematics and Science Teaching Institute (MAST) WebConnect at the University of Northern Colorado - MAST WebConnect is a free service provided by the University of Northern Colorado within the College of Natural and Health Sciences. MAST WebConnect replaces the popular MAST Hotline, a free call-in service established in 1989. With the dominance of the Internet, it was determined that a call-in service was no longer relevant. In 2008, MAST began a transformation to web-based services, and MAST WebConnect was created.

NatGeo education blog

National Geographic Society Education Tools - National Geographic Education is a part of the National Geographic Education and Children's Media division. The division as a whole creates best-in-class products, experiences, and programs that teach kids about the world and how it works, empowering them to make it a better place. We educate by sparking curiosity, imparting knowledge through storytelling, and empowering action. We support lifelong learning by providing opportunities for kids, families, and educators to join global communities, where they can connect, learn, create, and share. And we inspire the new generation of global citizens to discover the world's past, celebrate its present, and protect its future.

Jewel of Muscat - Education Resources for Reconstruction of 9th Century Arab Ship

NGSS Logo image

The NGSS website,, now has a brand new look and more levels of utility. The revamped website has new features for parents, teachers, school administrators, and other advocates of the NGSS. The site offers a more user-friendly layout, extensive search features for all resources, and additional functionality to access content, including the NGSS appendices and performance expectations.

The Learning Network image -
NY Times 10 Lesson Plans for Geography - The New York Times produced 10 Lesson plans in line with National Geography Standards for use in your classroom.
Annenberg Learner image

The Power of Place: Geography for the 21st Century - Our mission is to advance excellent teaching in American schools through the development and distribution of multimedia resources for teaching and learning. We are a division of the Annenberg Foundation, which funds a wide range of programs in education and other areas.

NASA Practical uses of math and Science
Practical Uses of Math and Science - NASA - PUMAS (poo' â€¢ mas) -- is a collection of brief examples showing how math and science topics taught in K-12 classes can be used in interesting settings, including every day life. The examples are written primarily by scientists, engineers, and other content experts having practical experience with the material. They are aimed mainly at classroom teachers, and are available to all interested parties via the PUMAS web site. Our goal is to capture, for the benefit of pre-college education, the flavor of the vast experience that working scientists have with interesting and practical uses of math and science.
Real World Math image

Real World Math - Useful for both teachers and students. Real World Math is a collection of free math activities for Google Earth designed for students and educators. Mathematics is much more than a set of problems in a textbook. In the virtual world of Google Earth, concepts and challenges can be presented in a meaningful way that portray the usefulness of the ideas.

Hidden Histories of Exploration

Royal Geographic Society - Hidden Histories of Exploration, Exhibit 15 October - 10 December 2009 - Hidden Histories of Exploration reveals the contribution of people such as Juan Tepano, Mohammed Jen Jamain, Sidi Mubarak Bombay, Nain Singh and Pedro Caripoco to the history of exploration. Find out about their role and its lasting significance, as illustrated in the paintings, books, maps photographs, artifacts and manuscripts of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). Materials from Africa, Asia, the Arctic and the Americas are represented, with highlights including paintings by Thomas Baines, Catherine Frere's sketches of women on an African expedition, and film from the 1922 Everest expedition.

The geography faculty development alliance

Syllabi from the Geography Faculty Development Alliance -The Geography Faculty Development Alliance is a long-term, broad-based project to improve the learning and teaching of geography in higher education. The aim is to provide early career faculty and advanced doctoral students with the theoretical and practical knowledge needed to excel in the lecture hall, seminar room, and laboratory. Key objectives of the project are to foster a culture of support and success for early career faculty, to help them understand the fundamental interconnections between their teaching and research, and to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning across the entire discipline.

Symphony of Science

Symphony of Science - By remixing ordinary science lectures and documentaries with uplifting and exciting music, the series puts a new spin on science, appealing to students, teachers, and laymen. Since its launch in Fall 2009, Symphony of Science has been featured on CNN, NPR, Wired, Adult Swim, and many more outlets. The videos have attracted over 30 million views online, resulting in the release of the first single, A Glorious Dawn, on Jack White's Third Man Records label, as well as Best Of and Collector's Edition compilation albums.

Texas Slavery Project

Texas Slavery Project - The Texas Slavery Project examines the spread of American slavery into the borderlands between the United States and Mexico in the decades between 1820 and 1850. Centered on a database of slave and slaveholder populations in Texas during the Republic era (1837-45), the Texas Slavery Project offers a window into the role slavery played in the development of Texas in the years before the region became part of the United States. Dynamic interactive maps show the changing flows of enslaved and slaveholder populations in Texas over time. The population database search engine allows users to discover the growth of slave and slaveholder populations in the region. Digitized original documents from the era provide an opportunity to hear the voices of those who lived with slavery in early Texas.

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Understanding Science Image

Understanding Science - The mission of Understanding Science is to provide a fun, accessible, and free resource that accurately communicates what science is and how it really works. The process of science is exciting, but standard explanations often miss its dynamic nature. Science affects us all everyday, but people often feel cut off from science. Science is an intensely human endeavor, but many portrayals gloss over the passion, curiosity, and even rivalries and pitfalls that characterize all human ventures. Understanding Science gives users an inside look at the general principles, methods, and motivations that underlie all of science.