Ecological Footprint
Ecological Footprint
Cool School Challenge, Puget Sound Clean Air Agency - The Cool School Challenge engages students and teachers in practical strategies to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas emissions school-wide. Students challenge individual classrooms to reduce their carbon emissions over a set period of time, and utilize a carbon calculator to evaluate progress. Best of all, because it's aligned to the Eco-Schools USA program, schools that complete the Challenge automatically qualify for a bronze level award through the Eco-Schools USA program!
Earth Day Network Ecological Footprint Calculator - All of EDN's activities, whether greening schools or promoting green economic policies at home and abroad, inform and energize populations so they will act to secure a healthy future for themselves and their children. With its partner organizations, EDN provides civic engagement opportunities at the local, state, national and global levels. At every turn, EDN works to broaden the definition of "environment" to include all issues that affect our health, our communities and our environment, such as greening deteriorated schools, creating green jobs and investment, and promoting activism to stop air and water pollution. Over the last 40 years, EDN has executed successful environmental campaigns on issues ranging climate change and drinking water to voter registration and saving the whale. EDN is a recognized leader in creating civically-oriented innovative programs with partners outside of the environmental movement to tackle new challenges.
Carbon Footprints, National Geographic Society - The National Geographic Society has been inspiring people to care about the planet since 1888. It is one of the largest nonprofit scientific and educational institutions in the world. Its interests include geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation.
To Become a Teacher - As any educator knows, a classroom is a powerful resource. In a strong class setting, students learn how to recognize, address and adopt the kinds of change that can positively affect their lives, communities and the rest of the world. As a student's mind grows, opening up to new ideas and tackling more challenges; teachers, as the leaders of the classroom, can direct the energy of their classes towards accomplishing any number of tasks, from solving complex math to performing Shakespeare to learning the importance of embracing greener practices.
Compare Reviews for Solar Energy Companies at Consumer Affairs - We've known light could be turned into electricity since 1839 when French physicist, A. E. Becquerel, discovered the photovoltaic effect. It wasn't until the 1950s, however, that the first solar cells were available commercially, when Bell Labs produced them for use in outer space. In the decades since, improvements in solar technology have been tremendous, as have drops in solar power cost. Since 1977, the price of solar panels has dropped approximately 100 times over, and solar power is now cheaper than power from the grid for billions of people.